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Tips For Ensuring Less Grain Damage

Grain damage undoubtedly is a serious matter of concern for all the farmers. No matter what type of grains you wish to plant, grain damage can be grave. Issues of damage can cost not only in terms of finances but also affects all the hard work and efforts.

How do Grains Get Damaged?

To protect the grains from getting damaged, we need to understand why it gets damaged in the first place.
One of the major reasons for grain damage is the infestations caused by weevils. Even a light infestation can lead to drastic damage. The stored grains if, infected by weevils can lead to damage in the grains as well as the harvesting machinery. Therefore, it is integral to protect the grain from such infections. Another reason for the grain damage can be attributed to moisture. If, there is excess moisture bacteria can thrive in the environment and cause damage to the grains.

Ways You Can Ensure Less Grain Damage

Disinfecting and cleaning your grains before storage

Although this might seem very basic, it is an important step to take to protect your grain from damage. Proper cleansing of the grain before storage will help in less grain damage. Disinfecting and fumigating the crops before storing it in the right place can be extremely helpful to protect the grains.

Cleaning up Your Machinery Before the Harvesting Period

Keeping your pieces of machinery and equipment thoroughly cleaned before harvesting your crops can help you to protect the grains. This can be done by disinfecting machines such as harvesters, augers, and seeders. The use of a quality insecticide can help to protect the grain from any type of infection.

Investing in a Quality Grain silo

A grain silo is a storage structure that allows the farmers to store the grains from the harvest. The silo must be of great quality which can be fumigated to protect the grains from pests and other damage.
On one hand, the silo retains the gas and on the other, it also helps to keep the insects out preventing damage caused by moisture or infestations.

Keeping the Right Level of Moisture

It is very important to store your grain at the right temperature and to ensure that the moisture level is not above the set 12%. Excess moisture can lead to irreparable damage to the grains. There be a higher chance of fungal growth and chances of mites and insect infestations. This will lead to even more water content that will damage the crops in a bad way.
Therefore, it is integral to protect the grain from excessive moisture content and store it in the right temp.

Aerating the stored grains

Another important tip to ensure less grain damage is through aeration. Well-aerated storage space will help not only from moisture migration but will also prevent the development of contamination. The mold growth can be slowed and retains viability for a longer duration.

These are some of the ways to ensure that your grains are healthy. Investment in good quality seeds and keeping the grains in a safe enclosure can help to protect the grains from damage.