
Benefits Of Using Concave For Combines

The combine harvesters are becoming the first love of the farmers across the globe. These mechanical devices provide a sense of ease and enhance their productivity amazingly. These mech-tech devices help the farmers to harvest any kind of crop and in any quantity in their fields. The crops can be of any type like wheat, oats, maize, barley, flax, soya bean etc. the combine harvesters perform their operations in three basic steps.

• Threshing

• Reaping and

• Winnowing

When the farmers used to perform these important steps the leaves, waste straw and other relating products were left in the field. Most of these items are also collected as a feed for the livestock. This creates chaos for the farmers and brings fewer yields than the actual stock in the field. Such process brought major losses to the farmers.

With the installation of concaves for combines, s significant raise is configured with respect to the yield. The collection of the grains from the crops has increased with leaving less wastage behind. Different studies have shown that a rotor combine leaves 4-5 bushels per acre. This becomes a major loss when the area of cultivation is increased and can reach up to 15,000 to 20,000 per thousand acres. There is no chance to ignore such data and the loss can be in millions if one starts counting it from the beginning. On installing concave on the rotor can be very beneficial to get rid of such losses. You can now enjoy harvesting and get the great amount of yield from the farms.

The RPR concave for combines has tremendous features which will take your harvesting to the next level. Some of its promising features are well explained below.

• The farmer can use this tool on any kind of crop.

• By using such fixtures you can claim zero loss in your productivity.

• The device has way longer capacity than normal harvesting systems. The percentage goes to 30-40% more.

• This harvesting system has great ground speed which is 1-2 MPH.

• The system piles cleaner grains, which helps in more customer engagement.

• This product is safe and high durability with 5000+ working hour life.

• For the farmers, it’s just a one-time investment. There is no need of further replacements.

• The concave is fuel efficient i.e. it consumes less fuel as a whole.

• The device is proven to be reliable and affordable. It is well tested and tends to save a huge amount of money.

The RPR Concave for combine is responsible for maximum yield and there is less damage to the crops. By using such systems there is no requirement of further plugging, zero rotor loss, lesser fines, fewer broken cobs, large capacity and you get better samples of crops. This product is patented and it stops the crop flow by pushing the material to rub on the other material. Such system enables you with cleaner samples of crops. The product comes of 20 years of serious field testing and experience.

Many farmers have installed this system and are enjoying its performance as a whole. By installing such product you get cleaner yield, more productivity, lesser loss and it saves a lot of money in harvesting.