john deere combine

What Is The Purpose Of Combine Concave Filler Plates?

The harvesting is the crucial process of the farming operation. Just like any other machinery, the harvester comprises of several parts that facilitate it to run it efficiently and smoothly. One such important component is the combine concave filler plates. Such farming equipment has been utilized in the concave component of the harvester machine.

Easy Harvesting, Minimize Rotor Loss

These plates are utilized for filling the gaps within the concaves of the combine harvester. Such gaps impact the procedure of harvesting and lead to grain loss. This loss is quite significant and will be impacting the output of the harvesting procedure. When the filler plates are installed in the main component, then it narrows down the overall gap. This increases the overall capacity and effectiveness of the threshing process.Such plates will be ensuring that the harvesting of grains is done most appropriately. Also, the filler plates ensure that harvested crops are of good quality and there is no damage to the grains.

How Combine Concave Filler Plates Work?

• The combine concave filler plates are the components that make the entire harvesting operation efficient with the least rotor loss.

• Initially, they have been designed for the corn crop. However, for every distinctive crop, the farming equipment requires distinctive filler plates. After the attachment of the plates, the concave will be getting blocked, and the edges would not be able to hold the head.

• Due to this, there would not be enough space for carrying out the threshing.Initially, the combine concave was developed for carrying out the threshing of crops in a convenient manner & also to attain negligible rotor loss.

• Looking at these benefits of the agriculture machinery, the farmer started using it for the threshing of other crops as well. So, they installed combine concave filler plates.

• As a consequence of which, it has made threshing an easy practice for the farmers. So, the filler plates reduce the need for a manual workforce in carrying the threshing operations & cutting down the crop damage.

Install Combine Concave Filler Plates In Most Appropriate Position

When the farmers rely upon the conventional technique, then crop damage during the threshing is inevitable. However, through the utilization of the combine concave filler plates, with latest and most innovative machine cut down the damage to the crops drastically. Some of the farmers may complain that combine concave filler plates are not as helpful. In the majority of such cases, the farmers will be installing the filler plates towards the top of the wire. Such plates will be working well when it is installed under the wires. So, it is extremely important to install the combine concave filler plates in the most appropriate position, so that they can also help out when the grains are of small size.


Since a combine concave is undeniably a costly investment for the farmers and thus, it is extremely important to purchase the right machinery from a reliable and reputed supplier. The combine concave filler plates are durable & long-lasting. These components also save manual labor and time for the operation. It cuts down the crop loss & yields the best quality grains.