Aftermarket John Deere Concaves

A Guide to Choosing the Right Combine Concave Manufacturer

Combine concaves can bring a drastic change to your farming and harvesting scenario, considering you are using improved farm equipment. Not only are these cost-efficient, but they also consuming less time and require less effort in terms of labor.

This is why a right combine concave manufacturer is important to get the best of productivity and profitability during the farming and harvesting process. But the issues arise when not every customer is gifted with making choices and decisions. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right concave manufacturer.

The process

Choosing a combine concave manufacturer includes knowing a few things about the market, for which you will need a bit of survey and study. Combine concaves, or any other agricultural machinery costs a fortune, and you don’t want to make a mistake. Purchasing a combine concave is an investment, and you must have good survey and study results of the manufacturer you are going to invest in.

There are some of the important factors that you should consider before choosing a manufacturer, which is – current framing model, the follow-up support, and what other manufacturers are providing, etc.

Do you already own a farming model?

The field of agriculture machinery is always developing various machine components which are either specifically designed for or conveniently fit to the machine or equipment you already own. However, this needs to be ensured that the components are viable with your model type and specifications of the machine that you already own. But the most important part here is to know what model you are using, and various other details.

Does the manufacturer provide follow-up services?

Follow-up services are an important aspect that many manufacturers provide, small or large, regardless of what field they provide services on. You can start with research about your potential manufacturer on the internet or directly call them asking about what kind of follow-up services they provide.

You can also read online reviews of the manufacturer on their official site or on Google reviews. If possible, the wisest decision would be to go for a manufacturer that provides a comprehensive follow-up service.

Know the other manufacturers

There’s nothing wrong in starting with knowing one manufacture, but settling for the one you started with without comparing or researching about the manufacturer might make you lose better deals. There are many combine concave manufacturers in the industry, and you can easily start comparing 2 or 3 of them to get the best deal.

After this, you can start with a comparative study to find out which manufacturer provides better pieces, follow-up services, better features, or better quality, and based on your priorities and factors, you can choose the right manufacturer for you.


Depending on the uses and budgets, the right manufacturer can be different. The farming and agriculture world knows John Deere Company, Case IH Corporation, Estes Performance Concave, etc., as some of the famous manufacturers.

Estes Performance Concaves stores components from the various famous manufacturers and makes them easily available to the customers. They also provide some of the most attractive deals in the market.